Saturday, September 19, 2009

Day 4

Well, Stewey was getting ready to head out since it was raining and it was expected to rain tomorrow as well. As he was getting ready, he placed his waterproof boots under a picnic table which was partially out in the weather and partially under the eve. Well, it started to rain harder and lucky Stewey, his boots were placed just right for water to funnel in. Yep, they are water tight. He poored about a two cups out of one boot. When I said "Let me get my camera", Stewey gave me the one finger salute. I asked for a reinactment but this was all I could get.

Stewey, CheapB and Wrongturn in some conversation.

This is the large trailer Stewey pulls behind his Nomad. His on his 3rd clutch. I wonder why. However, I don't think the new clutch will give him any more problems.

Stewey seems to have a problem with his bike riding trailers.

As you can see, another wet day. But this makes for good times just sitting around and talking. Many times this is what you remember more than the rides.

The front of the Cresent Hotel. Very nice looking hotel on top of a very steep incline. Wouldn't want to take that on an icy day.

Started walking downtown Eureka Springs. Parking was right here and the shops started there also.

One of the side streets going up a long hill. These are narrow streets and wouldn't want to get in stop and go traffic on these.

One of the many springs in the area. You could walk up a set of steps to get to the top. Too much effort.

This fountain was run off the spring. Either there was no water or they shut it off.

A shot of downtown Eureka Springs. There are many shops to visit. I did find a couple that I liked. One with prices I didn't. My wife would have loved this and I could have dropped her off in the morning and picked her up in the evening without a complaint from either of us. Well, I guess it would depend upon how much she bought.

My lunch that afternoon. Nacho's Supreme. Pretty good.

Sherm enjoying some ice cream at the VROC ice cream social.

CheapB and Mal keeping an eye out for the ice cream.

Oppps, looks like I've been had.
Well, this is it for the Reunion blog. We headed out the next day and made tail for Colorado. The weather forecast had changed and the weather did not look nice on Monday. We made it to Burlington before the weather moved in on us. Mal and Willey left for Limon, and I tried to make the decision of whether or not to push onward. Well, went north and ran into rain and lightning. Enough, turn around and head for a motel. Made it home the next morning in rain and 42 degrees.

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